Sports Custom Post Type on and sites.

History and expansion of the idea being presented today. Initially I envisioned the “feature” for the Custom Post type “Bands” on the aforementioned sites.

The intent is to allow a “band” to create a Band listing, add band members, allow for the individual band members talents to be displayed and searched by musical genre(s” and instrument(s) played. The developer CMinds has done this for me already years ago and we will be making improvements.

The custom coding CMinds did was to “integrate” their code using “their” directory functions with WP Geodirectory business directory functions. They have done an excellent job thus far. Improvement need to be made such as “redirect” or some other function so that the subscriber of the “Band Custom Post Type is redirected to and prompted at times to add the band members. Currently adding band members is not intuitive. Meaning, some how the subscriber would have to be emailed on how to add band members and there is not a satisfactory prompt after submitting the Band CPT.

Today, with the form listing below, for demonstration purposes only, I will be using Gravity Forms, form plugin to demonstrate the Dynamic Relational Conditional form and what I hope to achieve with the CPT using Geodirectory, Custom Programing for CMinds to use to allow for me to use this feature for subscribers that have sports teams of various types similar to the Band CPT.

Here we go with the Gravity Form for demonstration purposes. Near the end, for CMinds developers, I will use a “Gravity Nested Form” feature using Gravity Wiz / Gravity perks. The particular nested for feature will allow the subscriber to add more members.

Lastly, today I will be working on the settings for Sports teams and the Demo Example listing will be will be available here at this URL for a Demo Football listing Sports – (the page and setting are under development. Any suggestions are welcomed. Thank you for your support.

Here is the form